You’re about to enter your card details on a website when you notice the website is NOT SECURE. Did you proceed? No? Neither did we.

So why are businesses still continuing to expect their own customers to do so?

Websites with online shops are not the only victims.

For those who think ‘I don’t have an online shop it so I’m ok’, it is maybe time to consider rethinking that approach. Google doesn’t like insecure websites on any level. If Google doesn’t like you then it is not going rank you very high in that all important page 1. Google’s search algorithm could outrank a site without SSL with one who does have SSL.

Google is known for paving the way for Internet behaviour. Enter Google’s Chrome update.


What you need to know about Google’s Chrome update

Google started to flag websites and web pages that do not contain a basic security feature called SSL which stands for “Secure Sockets Layer”. It is the standard technology that ensures everything from email addresses to passwords is private and protected against hackers.

If your website is missing one of these you can expect to see a warning “Not Secure” in red next to the URL bar.


Graphic Design, Website Design, Branding, Printing, Banners, Advertising, Social Media, Logo Design, Business cards, Posters 


It will impact your business

Last month, Chrome had over 60% of the browser market share meaning this change is noticed by A LOT of people using Chrome. Take a look at research conducted by Hubspot that asks if people would continue to browse a site indicated as not secure.


Graphic Design, Website Design, Branding, Printing, Banners, Advertising, Social Media, Logo Design, Business cards, Posters



How to tell if a site has SSL, not on Google Chrome

Look at the URL bar do you see “HTTP://” or “HTTPS://”?

“HTTP://” = Not Secure

“HTTPS://” = Secure

Websites with “s” have SSL. You can also use some SSL Checkers available online.


Do you have it?

Open a new tab on Chrome and search your website. Do you see this?


Graphic Design, Website Design, Branding, Printing, Banners, Advertising, Social Media, Logo Design, Business cards, Posters


Yes? Woohoo.

No? Get in contact with us today.

Call: 0141 404 1199





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Graphic Design, Website Design, Branding, Printing, Banners, Advertising, Social Media, Logo Design, Business cards, Posters